Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hey all... been away for awhile, between being busy and health crap, i havent made any new posts, but more are coming soon... i have a ton of pics of my new hobby and obsession, my zen garden and bonsai tree with 2 lucky bamboo plants... very cool and fun to play around in the zen garden with all my little buddhamen and magnetic hematite rocks in there.. and i also added a nice chime set that Anne got for me in the garden too... its miniature and fits nicely... And of course i've been online playing Battlefield 1943 on xboxlive... awesome game, and i'm becoming quite the fighter pilot in my be back soon....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cloak and Dagger

Another figure set i picked up tonight... couldnt resist

She Hulk

Got a few cool new toys tonight at a store in Somerset NJ called Comic Fortress, really cool place with a ton of cool shit... cool shit if you're a dork who like this Here is She-Hulk, one of my favorite comics from back in the day when i used to collect them, and John Byrne drew it for awhile....

Iron Giant

Made this with some of my toys... Loved this cartoon... and the toy is awesome...

Enough already...

Here is a cute cartoon i did awhile ago, never used it for anything, was supposed to be a kids t-shirt design, but the douchebag company i used to work for mishandled the art as usual and it never got used.. Is anyone as sick of this Michael Jackson shit as I am?.. enough already.. he made a few catchy songs, could dance real good and made billions of dollars... stop treating this guy like he was a god and shit... does everyone miss the full picture? All the child molestation cover ups, the fact that no one knows who the real biological parents of his children are, that he basically had harvested and birthed by strangers, like puppies, then bought and collected like puppies... this behavior is both horrifying and disgusting, and no one acknowledges just how fucked up and reprehensible this was, but it was accepted... i could go on, but why bother, just makin a small point on how fucked up society and the media has become... excuse me while i go back to perusing the internet for pictures of Britney Spears's vagina, and pics of Megan Fox chewing on her tongue .. you know, things the internet was made for....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My little Cthulhu

This is one of my favorite toys... My little Cthulhu... just makes me smile when i look at him, tearing his little victim in half.. I love Cthulhu... the Dark Gods are so