Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Close up of the playing pieces... woooooo exciting...

I know, i know.... i don't know how i can type and stay clam with this level of excitement..lol... an actual closeup of my plying pieces made outta sculpey...lol... I'm just outta control with my lameness, i take lame to a whole new unprecedented level of pathetic...lol... it might be a disease in my case, and i don't think there's a cure... hopefully its not contagious cuz i feel sorry for Anne... The cat probly caught it already, so she's done for, oh well....lol...

Ardent Quest playing pieces

Here we have some of the playing pieces like the pawns, the dragon, town markers and castle markers, some of the board sections, etc... the only thing not shown yet are the monster dice, the monster cards and event cards, and the character cards.. they're coming... But here you can see the green pawn is the elf player, the purple one is the wizard, and the other colors represent the other classes... for instance, white is the paladin, the short brown one is the dwarf, red is the barbarian, blue is the rogue and so on... this is coming along great, i just hope i can keep up this level of energy and enthusiasm... fingers crossed...lol...

Same logo, new flourishes....

Plowing along full steam on the game, and as always, wasting time on playing around with the logo...lol... but here is the logo with some new flourishes and flair... next posts will be pics of the playing pieces with the logo inset that i made that are pretty sweet... but yeah i'm pretty excited cuz the Starships game lost steam and stalled cuz the card art was killing me and i lost enthusiasm and blah blah its in limbo...lol.. but this one time, the cards will be fun to do so i think this will actually get finished and see the playtesting phase... fingers crossed...lol... in the meantime, you're probly gonna see like 50 more versions of the logo..lol... i'm a cheezdick like that...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Name, New Logo, of course...lol

Well, after makin a killer logo and lovin it, i find that a game called Adventure Quest already exists on the interwebs, its some low rent Korean MMO i think, no offense to anyone Korean or otherwise, i love your gaming culture and all that yadda yadda...lol... Well, this morning i was dilligently hard at work on a new name and logo, and vwalla, I give you...... drumroll pleez.... "Advanced Ardent Quest"!!!!!... woohoo bitches!!!... spectacular.... Aint it???...lol... yeah i'm a cheezdick and i love me makin some logos... thats more fun to me than makin the game itself..lol.. which, by the way is coming along just swimmingly... i'd say its more than half done, so that makes me very happy and optimistic that this one will actually see the light of day and playtesting...lol... but i will keep you guys posted, so keep your eyes peeled and keep checkin this blog and my xbox live after dark too... i'm off to work on the game itself now, aww maybe get in a few rounds of some Haloes before i get to work... priorities of course...lol

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My new game idea... its LOGO TIME!!!..lol

Yeah, i know i never finished the Starships game, its still in limbo, maybe someday will be done, but i was hit by inspiration for a new game in my other favorite genre, fantasy RPGs...lol... One of my favorite games as a kid was Dungeon, made by TSR hobbies at the time... they were the original company that made D&D... Dungeon was a super simple D&D style board game aimed at the the masses, the non RPG gamer, the "casual" board gamer if you will... the rules and combat were simple but it still had the dungeon crawl feel and flavor and was fast and easy to play and thats what made it so much fun... thats the feel i'm going for with this game... I love dice games like Yahtzee so i'm using that component for the monster combat... i won't give too much away but the whole game is done already in my head... so done in fact that in my brain i'm already on the advanced rules version and version 2.0...lol... i know, i'm strange, and of course, like starships, you need a cool logo, and i'm all over that... here ya go, without further adoo.... drumroll please, the logo for my new boardgame concept... "Advanced Adventure Quest 2.0"...lol... Excuse me now while i get to work on version 3 and a new logo for that one...lol.. i keed i keed... i'm going to hopefully finish the actual game this time..lol...