Saturday, October 29, 2011

Munny Me and Jinx... and some

Here's the cutest lil badass motherfucker on the planet... and the guy with the greasy hair next to Munny Me and Jinkers... and i'm holding my japanese katana in one hand and my BC Rich Warlock in the other... Every action figure needs accessories, so now i have accessories pack will have to think of accessorie pack no.2... This little figgum and his cat came out so cool... and actually made a few mistakes that i wanted to fix when i was doin it, but i let it go and i was still happy with the results... the pic of just me is up as my facebook profile pic and maybe i'll use this one too someday... maybe down the road i'll photoshop the little guy into some funny pics and have him go on adventures... this will be fun... buckle up folks, i'm takin the dirt road road

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