Sorry, kinda let thhings slide here a bit... havent posted in awhile, but all is good, just been busy with a ton of other shit, and just kinda forgot to post on here...lol.. i'm a bad blogger i guess... been slaggin on my xbox blog too, but i'm gettin back on track with that one too... I made a new facebook artist page to try and get some work artwise, band logos or anything... actually dyin to do a band logo, just oozing with inspiration and shit, so i know it would kick ass...lol.. my facebook page is DeadEnd Graffixx, so look that up and friend me... I found this logo the other day, i did this like a few years ago for a contest when the metal band Lizzy Borden was having a contest for a new logo design.. they didnt want to change it too much, just kinda revitalize it, and keep the same feel, just juice it up, and thats what i did... i think this one blows the old logo away, nd i think they didnt even go with a revtalized one... and who knows, maybe they never even got the ones i sent.. cuz i sent a few, this rusty one, one with a flag, and one shiny metal... but maybe they'll stumble across this blog, see the killer new version i did if they never got my submissions, and BAMMM!, they'll use it and i'll be giddy as a school girl...lol... anyways, i LOVE this logo, i have no idea how the band didnt dig it... oh wells, if anyone has any connections with the band, forward them here so they can see it...lol...
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