Here is a pic of this really sweet little Captain Harlock figure i found on amazon... For those of you unfamiliar with the character, it's a classic among animae, and one of my childhood favorites... and i never made the connection, um , til, um, oh for the sweet love of all thats wholly.... dear God.... one of my fondest childhood cartoon memories looks like, uck, i can't even blurt it it out and i won't.... But why, why, WHY?... of all the hairstyles you coulda stole, why couldnt it have been one of a mad German WW2 villain?, a scooby doo hero?, a beloved colonel who makes delicious chicken?... why did it have to be of the baddest ass space pirates the galaxy was ever to know, no slight to you Han Solo, or Lando.... excuse me while i go weep in the shower now...