Maybe my damn game isn't done yet cuz i can't stop making stupid logos for it?... hmmmm, ya think?...lol... I just love doin logos and this is one of my favorites i've done in a while, so i can't stop making new variations...lol... Here is the logo for a black manual cover or for black shirts, caps, mugs, whatever...lol... i'd love to make a shitload of merchandise for it on cafe press but maybe i should focus my energies on finishing the damn game... prioritizing was never one of my strong suits...lol... considering i've made so much more work for myself like having to draw up a ton of new cards for the crew, new board additions, new ship counter art and additions, planet rules and a shitload of D20 results for a shitload of new D20 die roll modifiers and shit... i did say i was getting ahead of myself..lol.. but i must say again, this game is gonna be epic... if i ever get the fuckin done... but i will have some a nice coffee mug and t-shirt for a game that doesnt exist...lol