Here is an old logo of my friends band that i'm working on the CD cover now. This is an old logo that i got from facebook, and i dont wanna post any of the new stuff, leave that unveiling to those I sent out the art just before for a poster, and that came out awesome too... Been playing my ipad alot, Kabam slots i highly recommend, and since i deleted Infinity Blade3, i'm able to have more games on there besides ONE, YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLES MAKING A 6 GIG GAME ON MY 16 GIG IPAD!!!! had to But i reinstalled one of my favorite games of all time on there, Frederic the Resurrection of Music... Great game and its like Guitar Hero but on a piano, playing different styles of music to Chopins compositions... Really great fun game. Now i'm gonna get back to my Diablo3
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Classic Star Wars dolls
I just got these recently for doing art for a friend, and i had to take them out of the box, making them worthless to collectors, but i also had to put batteries in them too, cuz they talk and the light sabers light up too... very cool awesome shit right here i tell ya. Each doll stands about 12 inches i believe, and the amount of detailing in the costumes and the material used is top notch from way back in the day when Star Wars was still big and cool and awesome. To me this stuff still is, so taking these out and getting em lit up and on display for my collection, which is basically a nerd museum here if you look back here on older posts i have pics of my toy shelves and my collection of cool and awesome shit... which i alo had to take out of the packaging, so everything here is playable with, and encouraged... cuz i always say you have to play with your toys dammit, they do no one any good sitting in a box collecting dust... they must be examined and poked and played with to be enjoyed, thats the meaning of toys, dammit!!!
Infinity Blade 3 pisses me off
Okay, time to vent here... Infinity Blade 2 and 3 are the best looking games on the iPad and IOS devices, period. The graphics look like a high end PC and the gameplay is fluid and solid, albeit a little repetitive, but oh well, ya cant have everything. Infinity Blade3 is basically the same exact game as IB2 gameplay wise with few minor additions here and there. To be honest, i havent really played it that much cuz after playing a few times, the same old gameplay thing kinda turned me off, and because i spend most of time with the friggen thing, REINSTALLING IT!!!!!, i barely have time to play it. Thats my venting point right now Here it goes. Ok, tha game is 1.47gigs, but for some reason, to install it, you need to free up like 4 gigs almost, and to do an update, you need even more than that. And every fuckin day there has been an update, and when i go to update it, it tells me i need more space to complete the update. So its easier to just uninstall it, and then install it again cuz it takes less memory. But after today getting another fuckin update and having to delete it and reinstall it, i think i'm done with it. Hey, they already got my fuckin 6 bucks, so oh well. Cuz the thing takes awhile to download every day too. So instead of time spent having fun playing it, i'm spending that time fuckin downloading it again for the 10th time. So thats my vent, IB3 is the best looking and same old playing game on the ipads right now, but its not worth all the time spent and erasing everything else on my ipad, to play it.. And i did, i erased like all my shit... i had to to play ONE FUCKIN GAME!!!!... thats my fault for being a fucking idiot knowing i was probly getting the same game and downloading nightmare as 2, so its my own fault. Farewell Infinity Blades 2 and 3, was nice almost playing ya... if i wasnt spending all my playing time downloading your stupid games all the time!!!! here is a Jinx pic to make me happy again after being so pissed off!!!!
I love me sum physics
Here is something cool i got awhile ago and havent played with in some time. Saw a post on a friends blog that his favorite physics theory was Schroedingers cat... and to not bore anyone out there with its complicatedness, look it up on it has to do with a cat in a box, dying, and shit like that.. and not Kasey Kasem, with a "fuckin dog dying", his classic rant on the radio..look that up too.. gave ya homework for the but this little thing is like a magic 8 ball... you ask it a question and open the little door.. if the cat is alive its a YES, and if the cat is dead, its a NO, pretty friggen awesome, i love
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Another day, another whatever...
Still posting, another day, still going strong, been really busy with a ton of stuff... Today i worked on the next step of an up and coming new band from New Jersey called Lords of Mercy... And yours truly is doing their CD cover for the debut CD. I made the logo too... I dont have any art on this laptop of the logo, but just do a search on facebook and you'll see it. And i dont wanna post any art of the CD to keep everything a surprise and for confidentiality of the guys in the band.. I'll leave the unveiling to them... So, in the meantime, here is a picture of adorable Jinx to make you smile.. she does a good job of that for us every day. Just watched the agents of shield show on TV and i liked it... I have high hopes for it cuz i love everything Joss Whedon does, hes responsible for 2 of my favorite movies of all time, the Avengers and Cabin in the woods.. seen each one like 5 times already, love em.... So here is Jinx and i'm off to play some more Diablo3 and GTA5, lovin those damn
Monday, September 23, 2013
Comic strip stuff
For some reason i'm having a hard time uploading my art files... had to restart my laptop and whatnot, so i'm trying again, here are the logo and some pencils of some of the characters... enjoy
My comic strip and good TV shows
See folks, i'm getting better at making daily posts, lets see if i can keep it up... Gonna try and work on some new comic strip stuff instead of playing GTA5 before Sleepy Hollow comes on at 9pm. And yes, Sleepy Hollow actually is a good show. Some really cool ideas there but i have a bad feeling people are too stupid for it to be successful and make a season 2. I'm shocked to shit that GRIMM made 3 seasons so far. I was afraid to like it for the same reason. Usually if i like a show, its the kiss of death and it doesnt last long. I have gotten lucky with shows like Buffy, Farscape and Dr Who. Buffy and Farscape made 7 seasons, and Dr Who is still going strong, and in my mind is the best show on TV, best writing, best actors, best show, period. Will have to see how the new guy fares after Matt Smith, but i have high hopes, as all the drs have been great choices actor wise. The last 3 since the reboot have been awesome. So yeah, lookin forward to Sleepy Hollow after a cool first episode that had some great really weird cool ideas and effects for a weekly network show. There arent that many good non cable horror or sci fi shows anymore. Cable has good stuff like True Boobs and Game of Titties, which is what they should be called, you guys know its And i have no problem with eiether, but i know alot of people who did have problems with the amount of nudity being uncomfortable and stuff.. But i read all the George Martin books, and they were even more disturbing than the Loved em, but there was some great sick shit in there, so you have to check your sensibilities in at the Here is the black and white version of my comic strip strip logo, and a few samples of the characters in pencil. Going forward, i'm doing this right on my ipad so they will be in "ink". Solid black and white and not pencil. So i'm still on the learning curve and being happy with the results of using a rubber stylus instead of a pencil, the accuracy is completely different in drawing with the stylus. But i like the look of the scratchy style i do with the stylus, so its working out i think. Just have to keep the momentum and inspiration going forward... So far so good, and 3 posts later, i'm proud of gotta keep this up, hope you guys like it and i get more readers... spread the word...Okay, art stuff didnt post this time, will make another post with the comic strip stuff next...
It's a NERF 50cal.
Here is one of my new favorite pieces that Anne got me for my birthday, figgured i'd post a pic here too... Its called the Centurion, and its basically NERFs version of a 50cal. sniper rifle. Has a range of up to 100 ft and has huge bullets, just like a real This thing even has a sweet kick to it when you fire it. There must be like a truck spring in there or sumpin, cuz boy is it loud when fires and kicks, i friggin love this The scope is optional and looks badass on there too.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Back again, 2 posts in one day!!! woot woot!!!
Forgot to put my name in case it wasnt on here.. but look me up on facebook, Andrew Baumgartner... then friend me and you can see all my stuff like my Ebil Kitties and all my sculpey creations and endless cat pictures, cuz we all know there arent enough cat pics on the interwebs... I have to thank my good friend Greg for inspiring me with his blog... so read that too, great stuff from that bald doughy knucklehead livin Japan.. truly the ugly American living here are a few more logos like my ebil kitties if i never posted that here.. not sure if i'm comin or goin plus been playin LOTS of xbox360 like Diablo3 and now GTA5... amazing games that are eatin up alot of my life right now..whatever is left of it well its good to be back, and lookin forward to postin more here soon... konichiwa, BITCHES!!!! yeah i'm a dick
Back from the dead...Again...
Sorry again for the absence, been a long time since i made a post on here or my xboxlive blog, so i'm gonna try and be better and post here more often at least... Been super busy since last post. Been doing tons of creative stuff, everyone who follows me on Facebook knows most of my creative projects.. hopefully If you havent, a quick rundown of recent and ongoing projects is as follows... Jonny Dammaj, a series of short stories about a 9 year old in a giant mecca robot suit fighting demons and holy hell after the apocalypse and rapture and whatnot... Surgikill, a musical project where i play all the instruments on my ipad on garageband...and all the band members are cartoon characters drawn by me.. think that old band "Gorillaz", but with better music, cuz that music SUUUUUCCCCKKKEEEDDD!!!! And last but not least, "In the Dark: Duary of a mad nerd" an ongoing web comic strip based on me and my circle of friends and Jinx, our cat, in comic strip panel fashion and sketches and whatnot... I'm still workin on games and stuff, and i made a whole ton of sculpey toys that go along with the Jonny Dammaj comic strip stuff that came out very cool.. I wont post all of that here, cuz there is just go to my facebook wall and go to my pics and wall galleries to see all my stuff... Just go to facebook and friend me if you wanna be caught up on all my shit, cuz thats where i post all my stuff first.. will try and do here more, but i wont make any here are the logos for the 3 projects i mentioned anyways to entice you to check out my shit on
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Been awhile since i posted on here, but i made a shit ton of new games since last time i was here... posted em all on facebook, would take me forever to put all of it up here, lets just say i've been really busy on the game made a new starships game, a new D&D dice game, a Cthulhu game and a haunted house game... so yeah been really busy... lol.. here are a few logos from a few of the games...
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Loving my new board game, and all i have left to do is the card decks... and there may be alot of them, like Arkham Horror alot... that game had a ridiculous amount of cards, but thats what made it so deep and replayable... and if you guys see a resemblance in this game to one of my old ones, Ardent Quest, thats because this is all the parts of Ardent Quest, totally streamlined, new board and concept, all 10X better, so Ardent Quest is kaput, and Dragon Hunt takes its place.... I took all the best parts of that game, made em much better and added a ton of even better stuff, so Dragon Hunt is my fantasy RPG Dungeons and Dragons... I love it and hope the small amount of people that will get a chance to play it will I know i'll never get a publisher, but i plan to playtest it at a local hobby shop by me that has a Magic the Gathering night, so on that night i'll see if i can get in there and get a table for people to playtest it to get input and stuff like that...and for old times sake, here is Jinkers to say hello, she's alive and well and as you can see by her pic of her on her favorite rug, the pentagram
Hey folks, sorry again for the absence, but have been really busy with tons of stuff, mostly old hobbies like video games and movies, and of course creating and designing my own board games... my newest being Dragon Hunt... This actually is turning out to be my best game yet... and that was reserved for Starships and But this one is like my low rent Dungeons and Dragons.. kinda like its slow, mildly retarded little I wanted to make it really accessible for non gamer nerds, but not too shallow or forgettable... I wanted it to be fast playing and fun like 2 of my favorite board games, Dungeon and Dungeon run and Zombies!!!... So you see what i was going for...Here is the logo and a sampling of the board, the main board is much bigger, like 4 times the size of what you see here... and here are some of the pieces and terrain board tiles...
Saturday, October 13, 2012
G-Slingers expansion logo
Here is the logo for my games solo rules expansion pack, ZOMBIES... logo came out sweet and the game is really awesome.. plays great with cool pieces and fun as hell, i love it... well this and playing xbox and alot of minecraft is pretty much all i've been doing, just trying to keep sane and happy while i basically die and fall apart day by day.. same old happy fuckin me.. some things never change, hope you like the logos...
Back from the dead... again...
Hey guys, sorry for my absence, been really really preoccuppied with the usual shit like my deterioriating health and making my own board games... lol.. well i finally finished Starships, and from finishing that, a new game called G-Slingers was born... its a 2 player gunfight simulattor, fully finished, plays awesome, and even has a solo expansion rules pack, and of course, its own cuz you know how i love me my this time i put as much time into the game as the logo, logo came 2nd this time, but still really happy with it... here is the original logo and i will make another post with the ZOMBIES expansion on it...
Monday, March 12, 2012
Cosmo Dragoon and my pirate shirt

Here is my pride and joy, my Cosmo Dragoon and a t-shirt i just got of the insignia of the space pirates... i also made a dog tag outta sculpey which you saw in the last post too... it actually glows in the dark but yeah, i love this gun and the shirt... i've been wearing this shirt since i got it, washed it like 4 times already so i can keep wearing it, yeah i'm that
Cosmo Dragoon

Here is something i've been looking for for many years and i finally found it and won it on an ebay auction... the Cosmo Dragoon. Its been seen in featured in such anime classics as Captain Harlock and my personal childhood favorite, Galaxy Express 999... The gun was designed by Oyama Tochiro, and was later given to Tetsuro Hoshino on Titan, during Testuro's quest to kill the cyborg that killed his mother... and according to legend, the cosmo dragoon is the only weapon that can kill a machine man... God damn i am such a dork, i know all this shit by Anyhow, taito made 4 of these things, each one is numbered to who it belonged to... #1 is Oyama Tochiro's, #2 was Tetsuro Hoshino's, #3 Capatin Harlock, #4 Queen Emeralda's... And somehow i got the rarest of them all, a #1!!, just my friggin luck!... i thought i was gettin a 2 which i was happy with cuz its my favorite cartoon, well one of them But yeah, this thing is friggin awesome, really rare and almost impossible to get in the states... well, you cant actually, you have to get em imported, one of the reasons is no orange cap on the muzzle.. woohoo!!!! well soak it in, only die hard geeks and dorks can and will appreciate something like this, and i can't believe i finally own one....
The adorable

Here they are just as we all see them, huggable and adorable... the Klu Klux i had no where to go after blowing my load on a cute and adorable Hitler, until a friend gave me this idea, and WHAM!!!, magic was I keep doin this just to prove i can make even the most horrible and evil things and people cute and adorable, and here ya go, i did it
The Kill-Ray... Hand made ray gun

This is something i've been meaning to make, a steampunkish retro ray gun that actually the guts of this thing is an actual class 3 laser that is so bright that in the dark you can actually see the beam... its that bright... friggin i've made a few little changes since this collage was made, but these came out good and give you the idea, like the way the crystal lights up when you pull the trigger, and i made it so the beam isnt split by the crystal, you still get one super bright focal point. but basically lights up the room... only thing its missing is the PEW PEW PEW!!!!... maybe someday if i can find a way to add it without destroying what i have here, but if not, i'm happy with what you see here...
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