And if you're gonna have Jeebus and Satan, you gotta have the big three, and i don't mean Buddha, but he should be up there with all the popular Gods, so i guess there'll be a big four, just like the lame band line up calling themselves the big four... arrogant pretentious assholes... but the big four in gods would be Jeebus, Satan, Buddha and the big guy himself, Cthulhu... he might be my personal favorite, cuz he's got a mouthful of tentacles... Niggah pleez, if Jeezus had a mouthful of tentacles, i think things would went a little different... he wouldnt have wound up on that damned cross, and he woulda cleaned up all that food on the last supper table... did you see all that friggin food on that table?.. there was only like 12 or 13 people, they didnt need all that shit, what a waste.. well anyways, jeezus woulda been able to eat all that shit with a mouthful of writhing tentacles, that shit woulda been bad ass i tell ya... well, a boy can dream, and here is Cthulhu in figgum form...tada....
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